Mirror Realestate

31051 State Highway 20, Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA, 95437 Silicon Valley CA US

For Sale : USD 79000

MLS #: C0-27856


Property Type
Lots And Land


Small parcel outside the coastal zone could be a great location for your get-away. Formerly a larger parcel prior to highway widening, a new well will need to be drilled in back corner of the parcel. A non-standard septic system design for a two bedroom home was done in 2006 and will require archival review prior to developing and is slated for the northern portion of the parcel. Mature trees and some rock roses, lilacs and other landscaping are still thriving on the parcel. Find out more about this property. Request details here


31051 Fort Bragg-Willits Road, Fort Bragg, California 95437, United States
Fort Bragg


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